Musky Shop Blog
Musky talk
The Fairness of Using Forward-Facing Sonar in Fishing: A Balanced Perspective
In recent years, the advent of forward-facing sonar (FFS) has revolutionized the fishing world, sparking a heated debate among anglers.
Musky Shop Northwoods Fishing Report: Early July 2024
Muskies have been scattered pretty much for the last few weeks and most likely will remain scattered until early fall.
The Musky Shop: A Unique Northwoods Experience for Intrigued Anglers
First off, the Musky Shop isn't just a store; it's a mecca for musky enthusiasts.
The Quest for the Elusive Musky: Strategies for Success
Firstly, it's important to recognize the different types of musky species and their habitats.
Musky Shop Northwoods Lake of the Month: Squirrel Lake
This lake of the month is not just a sight to behold but a hub for a myriad of recreational activities that cater to all ages and interests.
Musky Shop Northwoods Fishing Report: Late June 2024
Here in the Northwoods of Wisconsin, we have been experiencing a lot of rain this summer.
Steve's Favorite 10 Lures for Beginner Musky Anglers
With so many musky lure options this alone can be a daunting task for expert anglers much less someone just getting into the sport of musky fishing.
The Allure of Folk Art Fishing Lures
Folk art fishing lures are a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of anglers from the past.
Musky Shop Northwoods Fishing Report: Early June 2024
Most everything has been shallow however most species are starting to scatter a bit.
Dame Julianna Berners: The Pioneering Conservation Angler of Medieval Times
Understanding the history of angling as a thoughtful endeavor takes us back to literature from medieval times.
Musky Shop Northwoods Lake of the Month: George Lake
George Lake just slightly Southeast of Rhinelander proper is a great place to take a day trip if you’re looking to catch a biggun’.
Musky Shop Northwoods Fishing Report: Late May
The season is off to a very good start here in the Northwoods of Wisconsin.
River Monsters: How to Tangle with Moving-Water Muskies
In rivers that harbor muskies, it’s common to catch them during late winter and early spring, right along with big smallmouth bass and walleyes.
Musky Shop Musky Season Readiness Checklist
Getting your fishing rods and reels ready for the season is crucial for a successful and enjoyable fishing experience.
Musky Shop Northwoods Fishing Report: Early May
The game fishing season is off to a good start here in the Northwoods of Wisconsin.
The Allure of Spring Lake Fishing
In the spring, the shallows of a lake are akin to nature’s nurseries.
Water Temperature: Top to Bottom and Beginning to End
Water temperature is one of those pieces of data that we can use to help us understand muskie behavior.
Quick Color Reference Guide for Musky Fishing
This chart will give you a good jumping off point on days where you don't know where to start.
Musky Shop Northwood's Fishing Report: Late April
Here in Oneida and Vilas Counties, our game fishing season is closed until the first Saturday in May but there are plenty of Crappies, Perch, Panfish, and Bass to fish for.
Musky Shop Northwoods Lake of the Month: Gilmore Lake
If you’re looking for a new lake to check out here in the Northwoods, look no further than Gilmore Lake.
Understanding Musky Spawning Patterns
When you’re the fish of 10,000 casts, your Spring seasonal pattern is not unlike most land animals that hibernate, it’s often a slow, groggy path from Spring spawn to normal Summer behavior.
Musky Shop Northwoods Fishing Report: Early April
It's legal to fish for panfish and bass in Oneida and Vilas counties however you cannot keep bass until mid-June.