Musky Shop Blog
fishing report
Gateway Lodge Mercer Muskie Madness
This weekend Gateway Lodge & Resort hosts the Mercer Muskie Madness Tournament.
Musky Shop North Woods Fishing Report: Early October
Fall Musky fishing has been quite good as has Crappie fishing, Walleye fishing, and Bass fishing.
Finding the October Pattern During Fall Transition
Finding the pattern in October can be as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack!
Don't Miss a Great Mid-Fall Presention: Glide Baits
If you’ve gone back and forth on what to lures to pack for a day out during the midpoint of fall, don’t leave behind your gliders.
Northwoods Lakes and Piers for the Shoreline Fisherman and Family
This is a great time for non-boaters to explore musky fishing with family and friends from docks and banks across the state.
Featured Musky Shop Guide Service Member: Matt Raley
As a professional fisherman Matt and his tournament partner Nate Osfar are one of the best if not the best Musky Tournament teams to ever compete in Musky Tournaments.
Musky Shop Lake of the Month: Mildred Lake
Talk about a lake that welcomes you with pristine, quiet, and relaxing vibes, look no further than Mildred Lake.
Musky Shop Northwoods Fishing Report: Early September
With summer ending we are entering into fall and fall type movements of fish.
September Turnover and Topwater Activity for Musky
Topwater in Wisconsin is amazing to witness if you get your boat out and explore the shallow weeds.
Musky Shop Lake of the Month: Papoose Lake
Papoose Lake is a 422-acre lake with a max depth of 65 feet
Musky Shop Northwoods Fishing Report: Late August
Hi everyone, fishing in the beautiful Northwoods of Wisconsin has been very good.
Wisconsin’s Musky Whisperer spills his secret: Thinking like a scientist
Weeks discovered that after muskies spawned in specific locations, they would take off, swimming all over the lake chains.
Northwoods Fishing Report: Late July
All of us at the Musky Shop have still been catching muskies and other species but it has been a much tougher bite the last few days.
Mini Travel: Northeast Musky Destinations
The Northeast offers plenty of places to tangle with freshwater’s ultimate predator.
Musky Shop NorthWood's Lake of the Month: Upper & Lower Buckatabon
This month we take a different route to highlight a lake with a history of family friendly fun, Upper and Lower Buckatabon Lake.
Take a Page Out of These Favorite Fishing Titles
It’s in the support of those who still enjoy a good read that we list off 7 favorite musky titles that should never leave your cabin.
2022 Inductees into the Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame
Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame Inductees for 2022
A Discussion on Scent Response in Musky
All types of freshwater and marine fish respond to various types of “odors” in the water, with responses varying across the spectrum as each species functions differently in the food/habitat chain.
Northwoods Fising Report: Late June
Summer in the Northwoods of Wisconsin is off to a fantastic start.
Three Keys to Early Season Musky Fishing
Early season musky fishing is something that all us, who are musky nuts, can’t wait to start doing, yet few us are truly successful at catching fish during this period of time.