Musky Shop TV: Minnesota Musky Battle Sucess!!!

In this episode of Musky Shop TV, Jay, Jim, & Steve make their way to the Youtube Musky Battle on Leech Lake in Minnesota. Over 2.5 days, tournament entries were tasked with boating muskies in two categories: numbers & biggest fish.
As the days progressed on the water, this tournament became a grind of both finding fish in a cold front and getting those fish to bite. Over the course of the tournament, only 2 fish were boated, both by Steven Paul of Musky Shop TV. The trophy came back to the shop for display until next years battle, where they will hopefully have better conditions to entertain more and bigger muskies.
Despite the challenges, this episode of Musky Shop TV gives tips for forcing muskies to move in a cold front. Filled with tactics that might make boating a musky in extremely shifting conditions possible for anglers that might have struggled with this same issue.
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