Musky Shop Northwood's Fishing Report: Late January

Greeting Everyone from Northern Wisconsin. We hope you are having a great winter and are getting out to do some ice fishing. Fishing in the Minocqua area has been pretty good. Most of our lakes and flowages have anywhere from 14"-16" of ice. To be honest though currently there is a lot of slush as it hasn't been that cold. Some colder weather is going to be moving into the area thus that should help travel and moving around on the ice a bit better.
Ice fishing has been good on our many lakes in Oneida and Vilas county as well as the Flowages too. We have been getting reports of good fishing all around. One of our staff members and guide staff members, Fred Palermo, has been hitting the ice a few times a week. Freddy has been catching Crappies, Perch, and Bluegills in 10'-12' weeds using a variety of things.
13 Fishing plastics such as "Paralyzer" "Sneak" "Bamf" and "Jeffrey" have all been working great. Acme Kastmasters have been really good as well for Fred with his clients and friends. These items can be tipped with a Red Spike, White Spike or Waxworm too depending on the fish's mood. Many times, tipping a bait really helps the bite but once in a while they seem to want it plain so it pays to be flexible. The minnow bite has been Ok so far this ice fishing season, Rosy Red Minnows, Crappie Minnows, and XL Fathead Minnows are great and always worth it to take some along with you.
Walleye and Pike fishing has been pretty darn good this season. Our staff member Mike caught a mess of pike this week. Mike found his Northerns in 10'-12' cabbage weeds and was using XL Fatheads. Fishermen have also been catching Pike using Medium and Large Golden Shiners as well as Walleye Suckers.
For Walleyes they have been a bit deeper in the day time and will move shallower under low light and evening conditions. There again, Walleye Suckers, Medium Goldens and Large Goldens work very well. Many guys have been jigging and using tip ups. We have a great selection of ice fishing supplies in stock and our Live Bait is in super cold water straight from our well so it stays fresh and lively. Our Live Bait vendors stop 2-3 times per week to keep us well supplied.
Please stop by the Musky Shop or feel free to contact us if you have questions, or if we can be of service to you as it would be our honor to serve you.
Good Fishing and God Bless, Jim Stewart