Happy New Year to You All From Jim Stewart and Musky Shop

Happy New Year Everyone,
From all of us at the Musky Shop, we hope you all had a great fishing season and caught lots of big muskies. We are very grateful for your business in 2023 as well as your business and support over the years, we would not be here without you. We all hope you continue in your musky fishing journey and hope that we can be of service for all of your fishing gear needs and maybe some helpful information as well.
As the calendar moves ahead to a new year (2024), we would like to let you know of a couple of events you will want to consider attending. Saturday, March 16th will be our in-house customer appreciation day. There will be some great sales throughout our huge store inventory. Some of our professional sales reps will be on hand. Also, there will be free drawings for a chance to win musky gear, and Free hotdogs and coffee will be available all day. As I mentioned we are very grateful for each of you and for those who would like to join us in Minocqua, on Saturday, March 16th, it's a super fun day and a small way for us to say thank you.
Another event you will want to attend is our Musky Shop Summer Bash being held this year on Saturday, July 20th. 2024’s event will be our fourth Musky Shop Summer Bash and we hope you can join us for a super fun day. This is an outside event with a lot of sales and manufacturer reps that each have a booth set up promoting their product line. The Musky Shop Summer Bash in 2024 will put a special highlight on each manufacturer to share about their products and to share practical knowledge to help one be successful. Musky fishing is a great sport and the Musky Shop Summer Bash is a day filled with tons of interaction, learning, and talking muskies throughout the day. If you love to talk about musky fishing and learn a lot as well as take part in some nice sales promotions you will not want to miss the 2024 Musky Bash. Oh, and there are a bunch of great Musky gear giveaways as well.
Please keep an eye on all of our media outlets for other events and sales promotions. You can find us on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook, and our staff member Jay Esse is the co-host with Steven Paul on the Musky360 weekly podcast. Steven runs the Musky360 app and Tennessee Musky Guide Service. The Musky360 App is also filled with tons of Musky information for those looking to solve some of the puzzles in musky fishing.
From all of us at the Musky Shop, we wish you all a Happy New Year and a great 2024.
Good Fishing and God Bless, Jim Stewart