An Easter Message from Musky Shop

From all of us at the Musky Shop, we would like to wish you all a Happy Easter.
For me, Easter is a time of gratitude and reflection. As I reflect on God sending his son Jesus to die a horrible death on the cross for my sins and yours. And rising victoriously from the dead 3 days later. I am very grateful to God for sending his son to die for us and am thankful for his son Jesus bearing the sins of man so that we may spend eternity with him. To me, that's the greatest gift of all time. The book of Romans in the Bible speaks clearly about what one must do to be saved. And another verse that speaks on salvation is Ephesians 2:8-9. As I celebrate Easter it's fun gathering at church with friends and family and taking part in a meal of celebration but to me, the real celebration is the gift of salvation, I am so thankful for that.
We hope all of you have a Happy Easter!
God Bless, Jim Stewart