A Christmas Message from Jim Stewart

With open water fishing done here in the Northwoods of WI a lot of us at the shop are starting to look back at the fishing season especially the Musky season and we are already swapping and reliving some of the happenings throughout.
There are a lot of stories but a couple that stand out to me are one of my friend Marcos Longoria catching a 50" Musky dead sticking a Toothy Tuff in place of a live Musky Sucker and it worked. Just to be in the boat with Marcos, my brother John and my nephew Jamie was an awesome day.
Another one that sticks out is my brother John, my nephew Jamie and I were again out Musky fishing and John caught a fat 48.5" Musky about 10-15 minutes into our day. Needless to say, John was a bit surprised as he was like "I wasn't expecting that". Musky fishing is such a fun and rewarding sport. There really is nothing like having friends and or family together and someone catches a big Musky; it's just so much fun to be a part of. Those stories live forever.
We hope each of you were able to get out on the water with friends and family and can look back at some of the fond memories from this past season. We also hope each of you are having a great Christmas season. Myself and my wonderful staff kind of feel like little elves filling the Christmas orders that come into our small business. We are so thankful to all of you for your patronage and support, it truly is our pleasure to serve you.
I am also thankful for the birth of Jesus as to me Christmas is a celebration of Christ's birth. As the owner of Musky Shop in the lovely town of Minocqua, I definitely would not be here without my family, my staff, you, our wonderful customers, and my Savior Jesus Christ, I am grateful.
From all of us at the Musky Shop we wish you all a Wonderful Christmas!
Good Fishing and God Bless, Jim Stewart