Musky Shop Blog
musky fishing
Musky Shop Northwoods Fishing Report: Early February
Our winter has been about as mild as any of us here in Minocqua can remember. Last winter was really long and this winter was really mild.
Bring The Kids To Milwaukee County Ponds To Learn To Ice Fish Feb. 17
Bring the kids out to one of five Milwaukee County parks for free ice fishing clinics on Saturday, Feb. 17
Musky Shop Northwoods Fishing Report: Late January
Here in the Northwoods of Wisconsin, our ice conditions are finally getting somewhat decent.
Musky Shops Exciting New Baits for the 2024 Musky Season
So, let’s take a run through what’s out so far this year to add some spice to your musky targeting tackle arsenal.
Musky Shop Lake of the Month: Big Arbor Vitae
Musky Shop Lake of the Month: Big Arbor Vitae
Subverting Disaster while Fishing in Freezing Temperatures
While musky fishing in January and February might seem like a foreign concept to some, it is a welcomed perk of living in the south. Admittedly the winters in the muskies' southern habitat range are generally mild, some years are simply brutal.
Musky Shop Northwoods Fishing Report: Early January 2024
Fishing has been good. Walleye’s have been primarily in green weeds – wood and rocks are ok.
Warmer Weather Hurts Snowmobiling But What About Ice Fishing?
Many of the lakes of Vilas and Oneida County have between 4-10″ of ice that is still great for ice fishing.
Tennessee Musky Winter Musky Tactics
As temperatures continue to cool during January and February Tennessee muskies make moves towards deeper structure and cover.
Merry Christmas to All From Jim Stewart at The Musky Shop
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Musky Shop Northwoods Fishing Report: Late December
Ice fishing has been very good with a lot of fish beging caught here in the Northwoods of Wisconsin.
Musky Shop Northwoods Lake of the Month: Boom Lake
It’s time again for another Lake of the Month here in Northern Wisconsin and any “to fish” list wouldn’t be complete during ice season without a line for Boom Lake in Rhinelander.
Ice Fishing Safety Tips for Northward Travelers
Though we never want to be a downer at the Musky Shop, we do want to raise awareness for those planning to ice fish this season and promote safety for those traveling to the Northwoods to ice fish for the first time.
Musky Season Is Never Over for Avid Anglers
So now that the lakes are officially frozen and it’s time to seal up the family barge, what can avid musky anglers do to hold them over for the long winter season?
Musky Shop Northwoods Fishing Report: Early December
We are kind of in that in-between stage as the big lakes just froze up 4 days ago.
Musky Shop Northwoods Fishing Report: Late November
We have had some great reports from customers and from our guide staff of some very nice muskies.
Musky Shop Northwoods Lake of the Month: Annabelle Lake
If you’re heading to the Northwoods for fall or ice fishing, don’t hesitate to add Annabelle Lake to your visitation bucket list.
Planning for Muskies: What makes a good day for Musky Fishing?
What makes any day a good day for musky fishing? Or any other words, when will muskies be most active.