Musky Shop Blog
Fishing Trip
Second Annual Lakeland Hawks Musky Tournament
The second annual Lakeland Hawks Musky Tournament was held on Saturday June 4th.
Musky Shop NorthWood's Lake of the Month: Ike Walton Lake
This month, representing the finest the Northwood's has to offer for scenic beauty is Ike Walton Lake, sitting slightly North East of Lac de Flambeau.
Northwoods Fishing Report: Early May
The gamefish season officially opened a few days ago and the season started off with pretty good reports.
Tips for Finding your Target: Big Toothy Muskies
Since you're fresh out of the gate this Saturday, it's important to take note of a few factors when seeking out the first musky of the season.
Musky Shop Northwoods Lake of the Month: Sevenmile Lake
Sevenmile Lake lies in both Oneida and Forest County’s and is surrounded by land owned by the US Forrest Service.
Parmesan Crusted Walleye Fillets
Enjoy an excellent and easy spring recipe for fresh walleye and your favorite Wisconsin Parmesan Cheese!
Behind the Baits: Interview with Josh Recknagel from Reck N Rack
A change of pace this week from our "Behind the Baits" blog as we reach out to a friend of the Musky Shop and champion of many anglers, Josh Recknagel, owner of Reck N Rack.
Musky Season Opener Boat Prep w/ Al Frost
Take the time to look over your boat for season opener with this quick list from Al Frost.