Musky Shop Blog
Northwoods Accomodations and Destinations
The Northwoods has a lot to offer in terms of relaxing outdoor activities for tourists and locals a like, but what drives a lot of our local economy are the many lodges and locals that employ our local townspeople.
Musky Shop NorthWood's Lake of the Month: Upper & Lower Buckatabon
This month we take a different route to highlight a lake with a history of family friendly fun, Upper and Lower Buckatabon Lake.
A Discussion on Scent Response in Musky
All types of freshwater and marine fish respond to various types of “odors” in the water, with responses varying across the spectrum as each species functions differently in the food/habitat chain.
Northwoods Fising Report: Late June
Summer in the Northwoods of Wisconsin is off to a fantastic start.
Three Keys to Early Season Musky Fishing
Early season musky fishing is something that all us, who are musky nuts, can’t wait to start doing, yet few us are truly successful at catching fish during this period of time.
Moonlit Musky Nights
I fish a heavily trafficked area with pleasure boaters and other anglers so it can often be advantageous and simply more enjoyable to fish at night
North Woods Fishing Report: Early June
Fishing in the Northwoods of Wisconsin has been outstanding in the early part of the season.
Second Annual Lakeland Hawks Musky Tournament
The second annual Lakeland Hawks Musky Tournament was held on Saturday June 4th.
Northwoods Fishing Report: Early May
The gamefish season officially opened a few days ago and the season started off with pretty good reports.
Musky Shop Northwoods Lake of the Month: Sevenmile Lake
Sevenmile Lake lies in both Oneida and Forest County’s and is surrounded by land owned by the US Forrest Service.
Parmesan Crusted Walleye Fillets
Enjoy an excellent and easy spring recipe for fresh walleye and your favorite Wisconsin Parmesan Cheese!
Behind the Baits: Interview with Josh Recknagel from Reck N Rack
A change of pace this week from our "Behind the Baits" blog as we reach out to a friend of the Musky Shop and champion of many anglers, Josh Recknagel, owner of Reck N Rack.
First Leg of PMTT Winner Announced
The first qualifying leg of the PMTT kicked off April 30th-May 1st this year on Cave Run Lake.
Muskie vs Northern Pike: How These Apex Predators Compare
Let’s dive into the differences between muskies and northern pike so that when you tangle with one or the other, you can spot the difference and have a clearer understanding of both these apex predators.
Season Opener Musky Fishing Favorites with the Musky Shop Guides
Musky Shop guides discusses their perfect hand-full of favorite baits for early season success.
Pan Fried Perch with Caper, Olive & Tomato Salsa
Pan Fried Perch with Caper, Olive & Tomato Salsa
Under My Seat: A Musky Guides' Guide to What You Need
Whether you use a butt seat while fishing or you just stand on the deck, all musky anglers keep a wide variety of tools and lures in a "quick reference" area on their boats.
Finding the right gear: Novice Musky Fisherman
When you dip your toe into musky fishing, there are many confusing takes that set a beginner back a mile when attempting to round up the right rod, reel, gear, and even fishing mantras.
Behind the Baits: Interview with Ben Kiscellus of SpitFire Musky Baits
This month, we've reached out to our friend Ben Kiscellus who is in the early stages of producing a chatterbait that seems to sell out faster than we can get them in stock.
The Northeast’s Native Muskies
The Middle Allegheny River begins at the outflow of the Kinzua Dam close to the town of Warren, Pennsylvania. The area is breathtakingly beautiful, with 37 miles of the river falling within the boundaries of the Allegheny National Forest.
West Virginia State Record Smashed by 51lb Musky
Fishing below Burnsville Lake, Luke King landed the 55-inch beast over the weekend, breaking the current state record by a whopping 11 pounds
Northwood's Fishing Report: Late March
The gamefish season is closed so panfish is the targeted species until ice out.
Do you ever wonder what happens to the fish in a frozen lake?
It is winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The vicious cold has transformed the scattered blue lakes of the North Woods into white disks — barren wastelands of ice.